How to Help Babies and Toddlers Adjust to Daylight Saving Time (and Back Again!)
In Australia, daylight saving time begins at 2am on the first Sunday in October when clocks are put forward one hour. It ends at 2am...

Baby Sleep and Swaddling: How to Swaddle and Know When to Stop Swaddling Your Little One
Many parents look forward to swaddling their baby as a part of their daily routine not only because it makes their baby look like the...

Why is Sleep Important for your Baby?
We cannot overstate the importance of sleep in babies, children, and even adults. Sleep is one of the most important parts of every...

Transitioning from 3 Naps to 2
As your little one changes and grows, so will their napping schedule. So, when is the right time to drop that third nap? How can nap...

Eighteen Month Sleep Regression
Your little one has been sleeping peacefully through the night for months now, and all of a sudden he starts fighting bedtime, waking...

Early Rising Baby? 5 Reasons Your Baby is Up Too Early
In general, an early rising baby is common. But how early is too early? If you find that your little one has become an alarm clock that...

Four Month Sleep Regression
If you are reading this, you are probably in the throes of the dreaded four month sleep regression, or at the very least, preparing for...

Nursery Night Light: What is the Right Colour Light for Baby Sleep
Working as a Baby Sleep Consultant, I get asked many questions about setting a baby’s room up – There is an ever-evolving list of things...

Sleep Training, Teething & Illness
You have finally made the huge leap to start sleep training but what happens when the hard work you have put into making sleep a priority...

Baby and Toddler Sleep: Wake Time By Age
As your little one grows and develops, it can be tough keeping up with their sleep schedules and wake time. Figuring out how long your...